Surveillance Camera Addendum

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This form makes it easy for Landlords to disclose where and why surveillance cameras are used on rental properties and provides a place for Tenants to acknowledge the use of surveillance cameras on the property.

Document Last Modified: 11/18/2021

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Surveillance cameras can be an effective way for Landlords to deter criminal activity on their rental properties and to help ensure the safety of all Tenants. That said, cameras raise a number of privacy concerns for Tenants, so it’s important that Landlords ensure that all surveillance cameras are used correctly.

This means only using cameras in public places and not placing cameras in private areas where Tenants have an expectation of privacy. Additionally, it means only using cameras for surveillance and the protection of Tenants.

In addition to following these guidelines, a Surveillance Camera Addendum is a good way to ease both Tenants’ and Landlords’ concerns about the use of such devices. This form explains the purpose of cameras and provides Tenants with details of where all cameras are located. Further, it provides documentation that the Tenant understands where and why surveillance cameras are used.