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This COVID-19 Lease Amendment Form provides an easy way for Landlords to make Lease amendments that are necessary due to COVID-19 hardships.

Document Last Modified: 6/3/2021

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Auto-Fill Document

Due to the financial struggles of the last year, many Landlords and Tenants have sought to alter Lease terms. While this is sometimes necessary, it can be difficult and stressful for Landlords. When amending the Lease, it’s important to make sure any changes are clearly outlined so there are as few changes to the original Lease as possible. Additionally, it’s important to note that, other than those changes discussed, the language of the original Lease is controlling and in full effect. This Amendment Form offers a list of the most common reasons that Landlords have amended Leases during COVID-19, including:
  • Rent deferral
  • Rent forgiveness
  • Adding a co-signer
  • Terminating and vacating the Lease
Landlords can select the applicable change and then simply fill in the correct dates and information. And, the form also explicitly notes that, except as expressly provided in the form, all terms and conditions of the Lease are unchanged and remain in full force and effect.