Maryland Landlord/Tenant Information Links
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Maryland - BALTIMORE COUNTY Special Landlord-Tenant Laws and Rules for Baltimore County
Special Landlord-Tenant Laws and Rules for Baltimore County. Landlord Tenant Laws are different in Baltimore and Baltimore County. It is important to always check with your local jurisdiction or an attorney for specific information.
Maryland Attorney General Fill-in Form for Eviction
This convenient form is provided by the Maryland Attorney General's Office and can be filled in and used to file in court to evict a tenant. Once the page opens, go the the left side of the page and click your mouse button over "Landlord Tenant Complaint".
Maryland Landlords and Tenants: Tips on Avoiding Disputes
This booklet provides you with information about Maryland landlord/tenant laws. It covers topics dealing with applications, leases, security deposits, rent escrow, lead paint hazards, eviction, and where to seek help if problems arise. In reviewing this material, keep in mind that many Maryland counties and Baltimore City have different landlord/tenant laws that may provide additional protections or require that you follow different procedures.
Official Baltimore City Landlord Requirements
Includes information about mandatory lead paint inspections, rental property registrations, Baltimore City Section 8, and more.
These links are provided for informational purposes only. The organizations are not affiliated with or sponsored by ezLandlordForms.
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